
reinventing functionality

this year wallpaper magazine (thailand) hosted a design competition 'reinventing functionality' for modern lifestyle. so we put our second year students to the challenge (plus maybe someone will win some cash!). check out a selected few of our student's entries below:
***congrats pam (conE-litE) and deer (immorta) for making it to round two of the competition***


workshop - aj. raveevarn

over the passed 10 days INDA hosted 3 design experimentation workshop with guest designers/architects. Check out Aj. Raveevarn Choksombatchai's (prof. @ UC berkeley and principle of veev design, http://veevdesign.com) augmented landscape studio where students explored ideas of unit/field and built this awesome structure out of cone paper cups on display now in the front gallery @ chula's architecture bldg.

design build '08

over the summer a group of our 3rd yr students, with this assistance of aj. komthat and aj. ekaluck designed and built a small library (officially called 'the knowledge hut'). providing a much needed facility for this small, underfunded school in the rayong province. the build time was super tight. i even heard some of the students stayed up all night working on the finishing touches before the grand opening. props!

INDA blog premier!

welcome to INDA's official blog! INDA, International program in Design and Architecture, is a relatively new 4 yr program of study in art, design and architecture @ Chulalongkorn University in bangkok, thailand. the site will host student work and activities that happen throughout the semester. enjoy!